Thursday 21 January 2016


MEAL MAKER or SOYACHUNKS, WHITECHICKPEAS or KABULICHOLE... These two ingredients are one of my most favorite items in the kitchen. These both ingredients are very rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals and are very good for health. I generally prepare pulao with soyachunks(recipe will update soon) and curry with tomatoes.. One day my husband asked me to prepare mealmaker curry with any additional ingredient which makes curry more healthy and tasty. Then i got an idea of adding KABULICHOLE to this dish. Prepared this combination and the result came out very well :)

Preparation time : 12 hours + Half an hour
Cooking time : 45 mins
Serves 2-3

1 cup soya nuggets or mealmaker
1 cup whitechickpeas or kabulichole
2 onions, diced into small pieces
3 tomatoes, diced into small pieces
2 tbsp ginger-garlic paste
3 greenchillies, diced into slits
1 sprig curryleaves
Salt as per taste
1 tsp chillipowder
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp chole masala powder (i added 1 tbsp, u can increase as per your choice)
3 tbsp oil

  • Take a cooking vessel and add suffiecient quantity of water and add soyachunks to it. Let it boil. Once it boils add pinch of salt to it. Off the stove and strain these soyachunks. Once it cools squeeze these soyachunks and keep aside.
  • Soak the kabulichole for about 10-12 hours or overnight. Take a pressure cooker and add these soaked kabulichole, pinch of salt and suffiecient quantity of water and pressure cook for 8-10 whsitles.
  • Dice onions, tomatoes and greenchillies into small pieces and slits, keep aside.
  • Take 1 inch ginger piece and 6-10 garlic cloves, grind into fine paste.
  • Take a cooking vessel and add oil in it. Once the oil is heat add onions.
  • Once the onions turns golden brown add greenchillies, curryleaves and ginger garlic paste. Let them fry until raw smell goes away.
  • Add tomatoes. Let them cook until they turn soft and mushy.
  • Add turmeric powder, chilli powder. Mix well.
  • Add boiled soyachunks and boiled kabulichole. Mix well and leave it on medium flame for 5 mins, this improves the taste to the curry.
  • Then add suffiecient quantity of water, mix well.
  • Add salt and chole masala. Mix well and let it boil until gravy gets thickened.
  • Serve hot with roti, naan, chapathi or pulka.
  • U can add cashew-badam paste if you want creamy flavour and texture to the curry.
  • U can add other spice powders i.e., coriander powder, jeera powder, garam masala powder etc., as per your choice. 


Sunday 17 January 2016


Hello all... I am back with one of the favorite breakfast recipe for all especially kids which is healthy and very tasty.... Yes... that is GRILLED VEGETABLE SANDWICH... 
This is a simple and easy dish and very quick to prepare...
Addition of cheese slices and green chutney gives a very nice and tasty aroma and flavor to the dish...

Preparation time : 5-10 min
Cooking time : 2 mins

  • 1 loaf sandwich bread ( u can use brown bread or milk bread too...)
  • Butter for greasing
  • 1 cup green chutney... for the recipe u can click this link...
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise(egg or eggless)... i used eggless
  • 1/4 cup tomato ketchup
  • Cheese slices (optional)
  • 2 tomatoes, sliced into rounds
  • 2 onions, sliced into rounds
  • Remove sides of the bread and keep it aside.
  • Prepare green chutney and keep it aside.
  • Take a mixing bowl, add greenchutney, mayonnaise and tomatoketchup. Mix well and keep it aside.
  • Take a bread slice and apply greenchutney-mayonnaise mix on it evenly. Keep sliced tomatoes and onions on it. Do the same on the other slice of the bread.
  • Now join both the slices of the bread. This makes one sandwich. In between keep one cheese slice if u like it. While preparing for kids u can keep the cheeseslice. 
  • Apply butter on both sides of the bread.
  • Keep in sandwich maker until it gets cooked...
  • If u dont have a sandwich maker u can cook it on tawa also... Apply some butter on the tawa and when it is heat keep this sandwich on the tawa on medium heat and cook evenly on both sides.. Take care the bread must not get burnt... 
  • Serve hot with tomatoketchup or any of your sauce as per your choice.