Tuesday 1 March 2016


Tomatoes are one of the regular and friendly vegetable used in almost every recipe. This is very rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.This is my favorite vegetable and i prepare many varieties using this tomato. Today i am sharing with you a pickle recipe which is prepared instantly. This is a very famous pickle in Andhra pradesh. Addition of tadka gives a tasty flavor and aroma to the dish.

Preparation & cooking time : 3 hours
Yields a 500gms bottle pickle

  • 1 Kg tomatoes 
  • 1 big lemon size tamarind 
  • 1/2 glass pickle chilli /mirchi powder( i used three mangoes mirchi powder, u can use normal chilli powder also) 
  • 1/2 glass salt 
  • 2-21/2 tbsp menthulu / fenugreek seeds powder ( dry roasted and grinded into powder) 
  • 150 gms groundnut oil ( approx one and half tea glass) 
  • 1 whole garlic pod (optional) 
  • 50 gms groundnut oil ( approx 1/2 tea glass oil) 
  • 10-12 red chillies, broken into 1 inch pieces  
  • 1 tbsp mustard seeds/aavalu 
  • 1 tbsp fenugreek seeds / menthulu 
  • 1/2 tbsp hing/asafoetida 

  • Wash and clean the tomatoes. Dice into medium pieces.
  • Take a frying pan and add fenugreek seeds / menthulu. Dry roast them on medium flame. A nice aroma will come once they fry. Take care they should not get burnt. Once they cool down grind into fine powder.
  • Peel the garlic pods. Crush them and keep aside.
  • Take a wide cooking pan and add oil. 
  • Once the oil is heat add the diced tomato pieces. Mix well.
  • Add tamarind, 1 tbsp salt. Mix well. Juice will come out after adding salt.
  • Cook on medium flame until the juice gets absorbed completely and oil will be separated once it is done.  This may take approx 11/2 to 2 hours.
  • Let it cool.
  • Once it cools add the crushed garlic pods,chillipowder, salt and methi powder. Mix well.
  • Take a cooking vessel and add oil.
  • Once the oil is heat add the ingredients FOR THE TADKA listed above and let it fry.
  • Add this tadka to the pickle mixture. Mix well.
  • Transfer into a clean glass or plastic jar.
  • Serve with hot rice with ghee. Best side dish for idly and dosa too..
  • U can increase or decrease chilli powder and salt as per your flavor.
  • U can avoid garlic pods if u don't like it. Its optional.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamins C, A & K. I love Andhra style pickles. The making process has shown here looks delicious. Thank you for sharing a homemade Tomato / Thakkali pickle recipe, will try this weekend.
