Monday 7 July 2014


BITTER GOURD / KAKARAKAYA... This is one of the vegetable which most of the people don't like it.. Even in my childhood days i also hate this vegetable. But when i tasted this fry prepared by mom this one became my fav.. This is a very healthy vegetable very rich in vitamins and minerals and very useful for diabetic people, helps in reducing blood sugar levels. Today i am sharing with you simple, easy n tasty fry.. Don worry this curry don't taste bitter...

Preparation time : 20 - 25 min
Cooking time : 15 min
Serves 2


5 bittergourd / kakarakayao, half peeled n cut into half slits.
2 onions, finely sliced
1 sprig curryleaves
5 tbsp besan flour / senagapindi
1 tsp chilli powder
salt as per taste
1 tsp jeera
oil for shallow fry + 3 tbsp oil

  • First clean the bittergourds and remove the edges.
  • Then half peel the bittergourd, not completely, just only one time with peeler. After peeling it chop the bittergourd into half. Then make a slit in the middle, not complete slit only half for the stuffing.
  • Then shallow fry these bittergourd pieces until they change their colour and completely cooked by mixing in the middle. This should be done on medium heat. Once they are done remove from oil and keep aside.
  • Take a mixing bowl add besan, chillipowder, jeera, salt n mix. Stuff this mixture in the fried bittergourds. Keep aside.
  • Take a cooking pan and add oil. Once the oil is heat add sliced onions n curryleaves and fry them until they turn golden brown.
  • Once the onions are fried add the stuffed bittergourds, mix and let it cook for 5 mins on medium heat. 
  • Add the remaining besan mixture which is left over after stuffing (if it is not left fry it directly) and fry for another 5 mins on medium heat.
  • Serve hot with steam rice with dash of ghee..
  • U can avoid onions if u dont like it.
  • U can remove the seeds if u dont like... But i prefer to cook with seeds because when shallow fried these seeds will cook n become soft


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