Sunday 6 July 2014


SABUDANA KHICHDI... very famous Maharashtra dish prepared for breakfast. This is a very easy and healthy recipe full of proteins and carbohydrates. Usually this is prepared for navaratri and shivaratri. Also known as fasting recipe. Adding of groundnut powder gives additional flavor and aroma to the dish.

Preparation time : 15 min & 3 hours
Cooking time : 20 min
Serves: 2


1 glass sabudana / saggubiyyam, soaked for 3 hrs
2 onions, chopped into small pieces
3 green chillies, chopped into small pieces
1 sprig curry leaves
1 tsp jeera / jeelakarra
salt as per taste, check the quantity of salt while adding as groundnut powder also contains salt.
3 tbsp oil
3-4 tbsp groundnut powder, for recipe of this u can refer this link.. GROUNDNUT POWDER

  • Clean and soak sabudana in water for 3 hours. Then drain the water and keep it aside.
  • Chop the onions and greenchillies and keep aside.
  • Prepare groundnut powder and keep aside. For the recipe click the link mentioned above.
  • Take a pan, add oil. When the oil is hot add jeera and let it fry.
  • Add onions, greenchillies and curry leaves and let them fry until onions turn golden brown.
  • Add the soaked sabudana, salt (check & care while adding salt as groundnut powder also contains salt). Mix well and let it fry for 5 min on medium heat.
  • Add groudnut powder, mix well and let it fry for another 5 mins.
  • Serve hot immediately.
  • U can add lemon juice if u like tangyness. If u want to add this, off the stove and add before serving khichdi.
  • U can increase or decrease groundnut powder depends on your tastebuds.  


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