Sunday 14 November 2021


Hello everyone.. hope all are doing good and healthy.. After many days, honestly saying.. :) posting recipe after an year.. :) Today I am back with an popular sweet recipe that is BOMBAY KARACHI HALWA/ CORN FLOUR HALWA.. :) 

Halwa is one of the most popular dish usually made in household. In general halwa is prepared using different varieties of fruits, lentils etc.. this is prepared with corn flour which will be very soft and chewy. This is very simple halwa to make with few ingredients which are easily available in home. 

Preparation time : 5 mins

Cooking time : 20-25 mins



1 cup corn flour

4 cups water


2 cups sugar

3/4 cup water

Pinch of red food color

2 tbsps melon seeds

1/4 cup ghee/clarified butter


  • First take a bowl, add corn flour and water. Mix it with a whisk so that there should not be lumps. Keep it aside.
  • Take a kadai, preferable non stick one, add sugar and water. Mix well.
  • Let the sugar dissolve completely and let it boil until one string consistency.
  • Once the sugar syrup gets one string consistency add the corn flour mixture. Keep stirring while adding the corn flour mixture so that there should not be any lumps.
  • Mix continuously until the mixture starts thickening.
  • Now add ghee in batches until halwa gets a glossy texture. Slowly it will separates from the pan.
  • Add food color and melon seeds, mix well.
  • Transfer into a greased tray or plate.
  • Let it cool. Then cut into pieces and serve.


  • U can increase sugar quantity as per your taste.
  • I added melon seeds but you can add chopped dry fruits and tutti-frutti as per your choice.

Tuesday 27 October 2020


Hello everyone.. How are you all.. Hope all are doing well. Didn't expect this kind of pandemic situation. Hope this goes away soon. I have been away from my blog from the past 3 years.. A big sorry to all.. Will try to post my recipes again without disappointing all. Managing two pre primary kids is a tough task for me and especially in this tough time its making me kind of panic too.. So without delay lets jump into the recipe..

I am back with a healthy and sweet recipe that is RAGI RAVVA LADDU.. All of u know that ragi is very good in calcium. This recipe we can prepare in less than half an hour. Very good for all especially kids, so that who will not eat ragi u can prepare this laddu and give it to them as a evening snack or u can give them in their lunch boxes also. Prepare this and do definitely share feedback... 😊😊

Preparation time: 15 mins
Cooking time: 15mins
Serves 15-20 laddus

1 glass sooji ravva/bombay ravva
1 glass grated fresh coconut
1/2 glass ragi flour
1 glass powdered sugar
8-10 green cardamom/elachi
2 tbsp ghee
1/2 cup milk

  1. First take a wide bottom pan and add 1 tbsp ghee in it. Add sooji ravva on low flame until it turns golden brown. Remove and keep aside in a plate.
  2. Add another tbsp ghee and add grated coconut until it turns golden brown on low flame. Remove and add this to ravva.
  3. Dry roast ragi flour on low flame until it changes colour. Add this to the roasted coconut and ravva mixture.
  4. Grind sugar along with elachi and add this to the ravva mixture. Let it cool for a minute.
  5. Now add 1 tbsp ghee and milk little by little, mix and make laddus. Yummy laddus will be ready. Leave for half an hour and transfer them into an air tight container.
  6. These laddus will be fresh for 3-4 days.
  7. U can add dryfruits as per your choice.
  8. I added 3 spoons dryfruits powder.

Saturday 9 December 2017


Hello everyone... How are you all...??? Back to bogging after many many days.. :) I am back with another delicious, nutritious and healthy recipe that is PEANUT DRYFRUIT LADDOO :) As u all know peanuts are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals and they give instant energy. Dryfruits are also very rich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.. This is the best recipe especially for kids. Very simple and quick to prepare and u can give them in their lunchbox also as snack..

Preparation&Cooking time :20-30 mins

1 cup Peanuts/Groundnuts
1/2 cup badam/almonds
1/4 cup cashewnuts
1/4 cup pista
1 cup jaggery


  • Dry roast peanuts. Keep aside.
  • Dry roast all dry fruits separately. Keep aside.
  • Let them cool. In the meanwhile grate jaggery and keep aside.
  • Take a mixie jar, add roasted peanuts, grind into fine powder.
  • Now add roasted dry fruits, grind into powder.
  • Add jaggery, grind into powder. Mixture will become thick.
  • Transfer this mixture into plate and make laddoos.
  • Transfer into air tight container. These laddoos will stay fresh for 10 days.

Monday 22 May 2017


Hello everyone.. :) Today i am sharing with you all a sweet recipe that is VERMICELLI DRYFRUIT LADDOO.. :) As u all know summer season is going on and most of the families gather together in this season as kids will have holidays and especially they go to their native places to spend time with their grandparents :) I still remember my childhood days especially in these summer holidays my cousins used to come from far places and enjoying food prepared by my grandmother :) My grandmother used to prepare lots of varieties in this summer season especially evening snacks.. :) So coming to this.. i prepared this as u can have it as a evening snack and for any special occasions u can prepare this laddoo as it is very simple and quick to prepare :)

Preparation & cooking time : 20 mins
Serves 10 laddoos

1 glass vermicelli / semiya ( u can use normal / roasted, i used roasted)
3/4 glass sugar
1/4 glass badam
1/4 glass cashew
5-6 green cardamom/ elachi
1/4-1/2 glass ghee for binding

  • Take a pan, add vermicelli, cashew n badam. Dry roast for 5 mins on medium flame until they turn golden brown. Make sure that they doesn't get burnt. Let it cool.
  • After the mixture is cooled down transfer into mixing jar, grind into fine powder. Transger into mixing bowl.
  • In the same jar powder sugar along with elachi. Transfer into mixing bowl.
  • Mix well.
  • Now add little amount of ghee and make round balls. Dont add ghee all at once, add little so that u can get perfect laddoo, otherwise it may become loose.
  • Garnish with cashew and transfer into air tight container.  

Tuesday 16 May 2017


Hello everyone.. Hope all are doing well.. As i said before i am back with another summer recipe that is MANGO MILKSHAKE :) Yumm... yumm.. yumm.... :) As u all know mango is king of fruits, and especially in summer season we get this fruit.. This is very rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals.
So today i am sharing with you milkshake recipe prepared with mango..I prepared this for my son today as i wanted him to have mango in this form.. :) Not only for adults u can keep this for infants and toddlers!! Very simple and quick to prepare.

Preparation time : 5-10 mins
Serves 2
1 medium Alphonso mango / banginapalli mango
1 cup milk (preferably cold)
3 tbsp sugar
2 scoops vanilla / mango icecream

  • Peel mango, chop into medium pieces. Remove stone.
  • Take a blending jar, add chopped mango pieces, milk, icecream.
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Transfer into serving glass and serve immediately. Tastes best when chilled.
  • U can add chopped dryfruits while blending ( preferably cashews n almonds)
  • U can replace milk with almond milk also.
  • U can increase or decrease milk and sugar as per your taste. 

Tuesday 9 May 2017


Hello everyone.. Today i am sharing with you all healthy, nutritious and tasty powder recipe that is MULTIGRAIN DRYFRUIT POWDER :) This is very rich in calcium, vitamins, minerals. This helps in strengthening bones especially for kids and gives you instant energy. U can mix it with milk and have this or u can prepare like malt (will post recipe soon)for kids and give them as breakfast. For infants also u can give this... More patience is required to  prepare this powder.. So lets know how to prepare this powder...

1 cup fingermillets / raagulu
1/2 cup bajra / sajjalu
1/2 cup millets / jonnalu
1/2 cup whole green gram / pesalu
1/2 cup wheat / godhumalu
1/4 cup corn / mokkajonnalu
1/4 cup peanuts / verusenagalu
1/4 cup quinoa / korralu
1/2 cup brownrice
1/4 cup soya
1/4 cup barley
1/4 cup green cardamom / elachi
1/4 cup cashewnuts / cashew
1/4 cup badam / almonds
1/4 cup pista
1/4 cup walnuts

  • First soak all the ingredients mentioned above for soaking seperately. Soak for atleast 1 day. Change water in between.
  • Then take moist cloths and transfer them into these moist cloths and wait for sprouts to come. Check in between. Dont get panic. Some may come fast some may come late.
  • After this transfer them into dry cloths and let them dry. More patience and concentration is required while preparing this. Dont dry them in sunlight.
  • Once they are dried dryroast all the ingredients mentioned above seperately on low heat. Dont increase the flame, otherwise they may get burnt.
  • Let them cool.
  • Take a mixie jar, transfer all the grains except elachi and blend them into fine powder. Now sieve the powder, so that impurities will remain top.
  • Blend all the dryfruits along with elachi into powder. Take care while blending dryfruits, more force is not required, otherwise oil may comeout and become into paste. Take care while preparing this.
  • Now mix this dryfruits powder into this blended multigrain powder.
  • Nice aroma will come while frying and mixing this powder.
  • Transfer into air tight container.
  • U can have this with milk or prepare like malt for kids and infants.

Wednesday 3 May 2017


Hello all... Back to blogging after many days... :) Since i am busy with my little angel... :) But my little prince is growing bigger day by day... for him  thought of preparing these yummy and tasty biscuits, as he is very fond of biscuits :) So tried these yummy CHOCOLATECHIP COOKIES :) He liked it very much :) So thought of sharing with you all :) Very simple and easy to prepare.... even beginners can easily prepare these cookies :) These are very soft and chewy inside. So lets begin how to prepare this... :)

Preparation time : 10 mins
Cooking time : 10 mins
Makes 16 cookies

1 1/4 cup Maida / All purpose flour
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1/2 cup chocolatechips
Pinch of salt
2 tbsp milk

  • Preheat oven at 180 degree centigrade for 10 mins.
  • Take a bowl, add maida, baking powder, salt. Mix well.
  • Take a mixing bowl add melted butter, sugar. Mix well. 
  • Add vanilla essence, milk. mix well.
  • Now add maida mixture, mix well. It will become a soft dough.
  • Add chocolate chips. Mix well.
  • Now take a lemon size ball from the dough and flat them in between your palms.
  • Place them on a baking tray leaving 1 inch gap in between the cookies.
  • Bake them at 180 degree centigrade for 10 mins. Dont get panic if they do not change their colour. They will be soft and chewyy.
  • Cool them and place in an air tight container. Serve along with tea.