Wednesday 17 September 2014


PULIHORA.... One of the popular south indian recipe prepared specially during festival days... This is prepared in different varieties in different regions.. Today i am sharing with you andhra style of recipe using tamarind juice.. The aroma of the tadka  makes you feel mouth watering and the tangyness of tamarind juice refreshes your taste buds...

Tuesday 9 September 2014


GROUNDNUT CHUTNEY... Today i am sharing with you one of my favorite recipe.. This is a very good substitute to coconut chutney. Generally we usually have heavy breakfasts in the morning like idly, dosa, upma etc... Usually we have these with coconut chutney.. But this chutney is also a very good combination for these items.. Very simple,easy and quick to prepare with a few ingredients... Groundnuts are very rich in nutrients... Healthy for kids also.. So prepare this and enjoy...

Friday 5 September 2014


SAMBAR.. Sab ka favorite.. This is a popular recipe of south india prepared with vegetables using yellow lentils and tamarind.. Today i am sharing with you tamilnadu style of sambar which is very very popular all over the world. Addition of masala paste n sambar powder gives extra taste and aroma to the dish. This recipe i learned from my mom.. MOM.. this one is for u... :)