Thursday 30 March 2017


Hello all... Very happy to share its 3rd birthday of my blog... Cant believe that its already been 3 years :) Days are moving very fast... Its my blog's birthday..  Posting cakes is a routine part... so thought of posting an unique and different recipe :) Summer has come early.. :( I can feel the heat badly :( So to beat the heat of this summer i am back with a juice recipe exactly said as mocktail recipe... that is WATERMELON MINT LEMONADE :) Sounds yummy right :) Watermelon is the best fruit that is easily available in summers and very rich in water content.... addition of mint and lemon gives tangy flavor to the drink... Very simple and easy to prepare with ingredients that are easily available in home.... Try this and do share your opinion :)

Preparation time : 10 mins
Serves 3 

4 cups watermelon pieces
1/4 cup mint leaves
Juice of 2 lemons
2 tbsp sugar/ honey
Water as required
Ice cubes for serving

  • First take a mixie jar, add watermelon pieces, blend into puree. Strain the juice and keep aside.
  • Now clean the mixie jar, add extracted juice, mint leaves, sugar and lemon juice. Blend it. If u have mocktail shaker u can prepare in that, in that add finely chopped mint leaves. Take care while preparing in mixie jar. Keep the lid tight, otherwise juice may spill out.
  • Transfer into serving glass.
  • Garnish with mint leaves and ice cubes and serve chilled.

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