Wednesday 9 April 2014


FRIED RICE... yummmm... This one is my default order when i go to any restaurant. All people know how to prepare this but today i am sharing with you people how to cook fried rice in restaurant style.

Preparation time: 20 min
Cooking time:10 min
Serves 2-3


1 glass rice (cooked n cold, any type of rice can be used. Goes well with left over rice which is cooked before night)
1 large capsicum, finely cut into small pieces
11/2 cup carrot n french beans, finely cut into small pieces(parboiled)
1/2 cup spring onions
Salt as per taste
Pepper powder as per taste
3/4 tbsp vinegar
Pinch of aginomoto/tasting salt(optional)
3-4 tbsp oil


  • Take a wide cooking pan and add oil. When the oil is hot add spring onions and let them fry for 1 min, it should not be burnt.
  • Add the rest of the vegetables( carrot, capsicum n french beans) and fry for 3-4 min.
  • Add salt and pepper powder and mix well. Cook for 1 minute.
  • Then add rice and mix well, the rice should be evenly spread in the pan. Fry for 2-3 min. Check the rice ,it must not stick to the pan.
  • Add vinegar and tasting salt and fry for another 1 min.
  • Garnish with spring onions and serve hot.

 PARBOIL means vegetables boiled in salt water for 5 mins. U can also finely shredded cabbage if u like it. 


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